CAMEL - page 1
"Have you noticed how women everywhere are switching to the fresh mildness of Camels? Always a great favorite with the ladies, this famous blend is more popular now than ever, since the introduction of the Humidor pack." 1931.
"Why Miss Anne Gould, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Gould, prefers Camels.... 'Like most of the girls I know, I prefer a mild cigarette--that's another reason I prefer Camels.' " 1934.
I find that Camels have a finer
flavor"--Mrs. J. Gardner Coolidge, II, of Brookline.
"To the unitiated a poussin may be satisfactory fare but to the fastidious it is scarcely adequate compared to the more succulent poulet de grain done a la broche. And so it is with cigarettes--to those who know flavor. 1934.
"Mrs. Lowell spends her summers on Long Island with her two children or in Europe, and divides her winters between Palm Beach and New York. She invariably smokes Camel cigarettes. 1934.
"You're a perfect host,
Hugh--everything from caviar to Camels." 1934.